Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My very own good advice.........

I strolled into Starbuck's, as usual, last Wednsday after my workout. After ordering my Venti Hazelnut coffee, I grabbed the latest "Sync". It comes out every Wednesday and I love turning to the first page inside to see what the "Question of the Week" is in the "Meet the Staff" section. The answers to these questions are always very telling and I find myself thinking about what I might say in response...

Today's question was "If you could have dinner with the characters from any book, which one would you choose and why?"

Of course, there were the typical..."The Bible, it would be the experience of a lifetime..." or other such sentiments...the "literary" books, the "political" books, etc.....and I thought, who would I choose?

The First thought that came to mind, was a book that I haven't even read all the way through, and the associated movie that I didn't even LIKE. But nevertheless, there it was and the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me...Alice in Wonderland...

Now, I have to admit, I immediately drew a correlation between this story and my life right now. I wish I could be the spiritual and/or mental/literary giant everyone thinks I am (hahahhaha) and say something profound about how I would pick "The Life of Pi" or some other random popular book right now, or maybe a classic like "Crime and Punishment" (one of those 400 billion page books that you suffer through in school and then tell people you read on summer break and they think you're all dark and twisty...). But nope....I chose a story about a non-sensical place a girl visits to get away from the boring and logical life, when she should have just followed her "own very good advice...", not going where she isn't invited and lounging around with Dinah the cat....

I mean, if I were at dinner with these guys, what would I say?

I would probably ask the Cheshire Cat "Why must you persist in evading the answers to my questions with riddles and then disappear?" (Although I would later realize.... that his definition of madness is merely doing the opposite of what everyone else thinks is normal and may, in fact, actually be sanity...and....if you don't care where you end up, it doesn't matter which way you go....)

I might talk to the rabbit about time management, so he wouldn't be rushing around so much...

Maybe I would ask for some of the mushroom to make me shrink when I wanted to hide or make me bigger when I was scared.....

And if the Queen of Hearts didn't threaten to "off my head", I might ask her how she got her name, when she obviously beheads anyone and everyone that does not follow her rules or do things to her liking...

I could possibly convince the Mad Hatter to give me an "Un-Birthday" party....

Let's just say that it would probably annoy the hell out of me...and yet, I would probably learn more about reality from these nonsensical characters than anyone else...and maybe more about my own life. Who would you have dinner with?


Anonymous said... I haven't been very good at keeping up with blogs lately. I've turned over a new leaf :-).

Anyway, I really really enjoyed your post!! What an interesting idea! I may have to copy this on my blog, but I'd definitely have to think about my book choice for awhile. Hmmm...what to choose, what to choose...

Speaking of, I liked the fact that you picked Alice In Wonderland. If I could actually jump into any book, that might be my pick.

Just Me said...

Hello hello! thank you for visiting my blog, sweet friend! If you would like to qualify for the latest giveaway, you hafta go back and comment to the correct post (boo hoo!) commented on the next post down....I just wanted to let you know, so that you do not get forgotten!!
