Saturday, July 12, 2008

stuff....and stuff....

I had posted this some time ago on my MySpace blog and felt the need for revision...

Elizabeth Elliot has said.. "You can always choose to be grateful for what is given, or ungrateful for what is not. One or the other becomes a way of life."

I'm afraid that the "latter" has been my way of life for WAY too long. So, I reflect on this list and hope to add to it frequently.
You have to be purposeful about these things, so here's my list......I love and am grateful for...

the smell of cut grass... coffee...finding something unique... flowers... journals...being able to walk, jump, skip, run, and that touches your soul...being able to sweat...flipflops in summer...the sound of seagulls...the heat outside that's only okay in Florida because you know the beach is there...friends that give you room to breathe...finger painting...weeping willows...hummingbirds...crisp mornings...sisters...water fountains...Chinese street signs...cats that like Eggo cereal and cool whip...visiting friends...revelations from God...twirling...anything cool breeze...people that know your name...a good, strong back...indian chai...a good night's sleep...Back to the Future, over and over shopping when you're hungry...the smell of clothes after being on the clothesline...owls...fingerless gloves and legwarmers....smores...barf bags on planes...unexpected and spontaneous trips...double knit thermal shirts...secret hideouts...pumpkins...Christmas cookie cutters...wax lips...nostalgia...grilled cheese..killer boot camp gym shoes...aisle seats...wind chimes..snowcones...the coolness of satin pillowcases...the smell of freshly cut rhubarb...disco hits, especially 'Le Freak'...running....time packages and snail mail....the smell of Cabbage Patch Dolls that doesn't seem to fade over time...seeing someone realize God has just touched them...

Now go post your own...

1 comment:

Lora said...

beautiful quote,
beautiful list,
beautiful post.

Thanks for sharing, tammy.