Friday, October 2, 2009

I want...I want...I want...Well, as long as we are being honest...

Some of my wants (hey we've all got em!) Adapted from another fellow bloggers list..with appropriate changes. Some of them were so "me", I left them as stated.

1. I want the freedom to appear foolish in front of others for the sake of living an authentic and joyful life.
2. I want to realize that I have already died and there is no other death to fear; let us commence with the living!
3. I want to cultivate boldness and perseverance in the Lord.
4. I want to be humble enough to say the hard things, ask the hard questions, and ask forgiveness.
5. I want to perform well at something, for once!
6. I want original art throughout my house.
7. I want to invite people to my home every week to share in my life.
8. I want someone to buy the house for sale across the road who is a more mature, stable, knowledgeable version of me. I want her to always have time for me, to come over and cook in my kitchen. We will go out to eat and maybe even travel interesting places together. We will be best friends for the rest of our lives and she will never go away.
9. I want to receive a personal letter to make up for every thoughtful piece of mail I’ve sent over the years that never elicited a reply
10. I want long hair with bangs that looks cute in hats.
11. I want friends and teachers to hold my hand and walk me through everything.
12. I want a paid job writing and responding to personal letters
13. I want to be able to walk up to a person I do not know and introduce myself and have a conversation with them and not feel like a total loser.
14. I want to be unafraid to cry in front of people when things aren’t going so hot.
15. I want to come home after a social event and not hate myself for all of the annoying things I said, the insightful things I should have said but didn’t, the way I cowered in the corner, the food I should have enjoyed
16. I want all the women who love me to come around me for a week, catching me off guard, tromping through all the doors in my house, camping in my yard, snoring in the ext room, bearing gifts of art and food and lessons and laughter, hugging me, holding me, patting me on the back, smoothing my hair saying “There there. We love you, this is a beautiful life, we’re going to help you out here, hold your hands, teach you what you need to know, sit in a circle with you and talk and share and be honest, and bring you out of yourself, out of this dark pit, into community and confidence in the Lord your Strength and Grace!”
17. I want the freedom to eat things I know are really bad for me once in a while
18. I want to feel free to be happy in front of people, to be silly, to enjoy myself
19. I want the freedom to be imprecise, extravagant, careless or unmindful…without consequence…just sometimes
20. I want to eat bacon and cheese and ice cream and pounds of jelly bellies! Not all at the same time. Okay. All at the same time.
21. I want to memorize Ephesians, Galatians, and pretty much a bunch of the Psalms.
22. I want to get up at 5am and feel refreshed, to actually be productive, to enjoy the morning…every day for the rest of my life
23. I want to floss my teeth every night
24. I want to bake bread every week, homemade…and cinnamon rolls…and eat them…and not gain weight
25. I want people to stop commenting on everything I do and say. Give me a break!
26. I want to stop being so judgemental.
27. I want to be able to ride my bike a long distance..or at all! I need air in my tires. And I want a really sweet road bike.
28. I want to be a really loving friend
29. I want to enjoy my life, no regrets
30. And not be so bloody miserable so much of the time
31. I want to stop being so hard on myself
32. I want to develop the ability to be joyfully spontaneous
33. I want someone to teach me how to make my own clothing
34. I want to be able to have a plant and not kill it.
35. I want to learn to make my own almond milk and learn how to dehydrate foods.
36. I want someone to teach me how to garden year round, and by “teach” I mean “Practically put their hands on top of mine as we use the broadfork and walk down the rows together
37. I want to have a clue as to what to cook for myself each night.
38. I want someone to teach me to use my camera to its potential and how to edit my photos so they look like I halfway know what I’m doing.
39. I want to know how to make a great cup of tea
40. I want an expanded vocabulary with a guide to pronunciation (pronunciation can be tricky when you learn most new words from a written source)
41. I want to know several hymns by heart (all the verses)
42. I want someone to teach me how to knit useful and beautiful things
43. I want someone to be my forever personal trainer and running coach, who is knowledgeable in treating injuries or is just so good that I never have any!
44. I want to learn to speak conversational Chinese. I really, really do.
45. I want to feel comfortable dressing like my old self in vintage clothes and unique stuff. I’ve gotten in a jeans and hoodie rut
46. I want a cute little house that I OWN, that is already remodeled and the value will go up every year
47. I want to give people fabulous, unexpected gifts that are either very special or very practical but always very appreciated
48. I want bamboo floors and beautiful thick rugs throughout my home
49. I want a fenced in front porch with a hammock
50. I want a kitchen “nook” with a window seat
51. I want affordable, fast wireless Internet, in my home, without a contract
52. I want a wall of book shelves filled with tons of books on every subject I love and people cab come over and settle in a cozy chair and read in my “library”
53. I want attractive, comfortable living room furniture with enough room for people to sit and to mingle and no cat claw marks on the sides
54. I want someone to burn my journals when I die. There are some things that are just between me and God
55. I want to pare my belongings down to the essentials, leaving the daily bread up to the Lord. Of course, this would negate my desire to have someone give me a mega shopping spree at REI, where I can raid the place and get all the cool gear I want!
56. I want to be the kind of person that everybody knows they can talk to, confide in, discuss problems with, and always receive wise counsel or friendly conversation
57. I want to live with determination and focus
58. I want to be able to pick up and go at a moment’s notice with everything I need packed into one small bag
59. I want to spend more time in silence, listening
60. I want everything in my home to have a place
61. I want to generate no more than a shopping bag full of trash per month
62. I want to give away half of my income
63. I want to love my home
64. I want to be that old woman who is a grandma to everyone
65. I want my organs donated and my body cremated
66. I want any kids I might have to love God with their whole being and worship God with a psalmist heart
67. I want to critically read through all the literature I didn’t get to in high school
68. I want to write a blog, thoughtfully and impact tons of lives
69. I want to be able to sing in public and not be utterly humiliated
70. I want to be able to dance without being so self-conscious…the tango, salsa and belly dancing
71. I want to be content with what I have and have a genuine heart of gratitude
72. I want to see the Northern Lights
73. I want to live with Sara (aka Happy Foody) for a month to absorb her enthusiasm, eye for everything, motivation, skill, knowledge, and people skills
74. I want to go to a ranch in Montana and ride horses and be wild
75. I want to be able to write songs.
76. I want to use my Passport, even though my photo looks like I just recovered from the plague
77. I want to travel lots of places and meet lots of people (how’s that for generic?)
78. I want to be able to run a marathon in around 3 hours! How’s that for lofty!?
79. I want to do triathlons...and be able to keep doing them as I get older
80. I want to be beautiful, inside and out...content and comfortable in my own skin and not be so obsessed with my body and it's imperfections
81. I want to be able to praise the Lord despite my circumstances and feelings
82. I want to meet my brothers and sisters int he persecuted church and minister to them...boy, that's prideful...
83. I want to give myself away, without worrying if the gift of myself is worthy or not
84. I want to be an encouragement to those that are depressed and without hope

1 comment:

Ruby Red said...

oh my gosh, this is incredible! you are awesome for being so honest. and there are so many things on here that i totally identify with...and you were able to put into words some things that are were just intangible thoughts floating around in my head.

for #4: me too! i am so agreeable sometimes and the words i say just dance around the things i'm really thinking...i wish i could say the hard things and ask the hard questions too!

i struggle too with being silly and "joyfully spontaneous" in the presence of other people... i hope you'll be able to relax and find the freedom to do these things as well! and thanks for the God insight in your comment on my gave me a lot to think about and even more questions!!! i still don't know what to do with myself on a day to day basis...being productive in my life and in my relationship with God and resting in Him but not in a passive way, sitting back and waiting for some kind of guidance. i am just thankful for the fact that my conscience is pretty loud in my ear...i get these feelings about things when i know they are not right with God - i just wish He would make things a bit easier, though, and just tell me explicitly and precisely what to do, you know?!