Sunday, June 8, 2008

Godbye Harrison

Well, I am finally home from the metropolis of Harrison....home of the weird and otherwise inbred community that I have spent the last 2 months commuting back and forth to...I must say that it was hard to say goodbye, but I will remember fondly.....

*Irene......oh Irene.....the Super 8 lady who, almost every week without fail, had to save some belongings I had left behind (my pillow, my robe, my cell phone), turn off the coffee pot I had left on in my room when I went to work, find my pillow case in the hotel laundry, fix the computer....I could go on...

*The coffee shop, of which I do think was named "The Strange Brew" (it definately was), where I ws privileged enough to witness "tango night" on a portable wood floor, with guys my age( short ones) dancing with "cougar"like women wearing low cut dresses (of which the guys had their faces in, because they only were as tall as each woman's bust)....apparently there is a shortage of women in that town....

*the Mennonite bakery who saw me on a fairly routine basis, buying "monster" cookies.....

*And all the interesting patients I took care of, nurses I worked with, and doctors that picked on me.....

I sadly's with a heavy heart that I sign up for shifts at St Vincent's this week....hopefully Colorado is on my agenda soon.........


Newly and Forever, Tamantha said...

Well, the universe is toying with me and Colorado is, again, a may be back to the bustling metropolis of Harrison for me...What can I say? Money talks...

Newly and Forever, Tamantha said...

I did return for an additional 3 month stint in Harrison...and it was a lovely financial to SVI...Ugh...