Monday, June 9, 2008

A "Magical" weekend

Just spent the weekend with the fam....more time than I typically allow myself in a two consecutive day period (spending the day at Magic Springs on Saturday and all day Sunday moving my sister into her new pad) and it never fails to show me a few things about myself and the people whom I am supposed to know the best....

1. I have an immeasurable amount of IMPATIENCE when it comes to my sister and the many times that she changes her mind in any given 3 minute period.....especially when it comes to deciding which of her HEAVY belongings she wants moved and the short amount of notice involved when it comes to her showing up and demanding said objects......She has always been this way and yet I still expect that to change....But least THIS residence has not been deemed "condemned" by the city....

2. I am a very big chicken when it comes to doing things that are scary...aka "the Plummet Summit" at Magic Springs, of which every kid over 36 inches tall in the 500 feet vicinity was happily getting in line for, while I cowered in fear....(at one point, as i was screaming, no sound was coming out anymore). I did, however, break out and take a risk by floating in the "Lazy River" fully dressed....wooohoo.

3. I totally forget to eat, several meals at a time, while I am trying to get a big project done and wonder why I feel like crap (does that mean I'm Bipolar?)

4. My Dad sweats more than I thought was humanly possible and it is ALWAYS a good idea to have a towel around....

5. My brother has a surprising capacity to remain quiet when his sisters, Mom and girlfriend are all spazzing out around him....

6. Despite how much sunscreen I put on my face, I always get burned..speaking of....after my head got sunburned at the Buffalo, it started peeling and looked like major dandruff......

oh those family moments....and yet, somehow...I think I'll probably look back on those photos of us on the "log ride" and smile... (especially the one where I tried to not scream in my sister's ear, so I turned sideways and it looks as if my teeth are about to come out of my head)....yep, good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I hate peely heads.
2. I hope those quotes were air quotes, and I hope they went on the inside.
3. Moving is the worst thing ever.
4. Lists are the best thing ever.
5. Girls spazz. It's what we do. It's who we ARE.
6. How can the Buffalo possibly not be the best time ever? Was it because I migrated towards you while sleeping in our slanty tent? I'm sorry...
7. I like all your sock monkey pictures.
8. Family time = always interesting. And not always in a good way.
9. Brothers are the BEST.
10. There is no 10. It is a fragment of your imagination.
11. I miss you too! And I really missed you guys at the Vineyard. El sigh. I'm going to miss everyone extra when I hear about all the fun that is happening without me, and after my parents leave me here all alone without a friend in the world.