Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I was talking with a good friend know, those talks where you're just catching up, yammering on about the mundane details of life, what you've been up to, just how dysfunctional your family is, what movies you've seen lately....and somehow the conversation took a turn I didn't see coming....

I haven't really had much in common with this particular friend for a while now, and our talks seemed more like pleasantries, something you keep going because, for Pete's sake, at one time you were SO close...She's married, I am SO NOT.....she's just had a child, I'm nowhere near and terrified of Motherhood in general....she's so self assured, confident, creative.....and me, well, I just don't know who I am anymore....

And as we talked, it was like a window opened...and i could breathe again...I started to be honest again, more than I have in a long time....I allowed myself to be seen by my friend, whom I thought had disappeared forever...and one little ray of hope began to illuminate the dark closet I've been hiding in longer than I care to admit...

Without all the specifics, as you can see I am more than a little guarded.....God gave me a gift today in the love of my friend....and maybe it's just enough to point me me....the REAL ME. I hope so......Man, I love the sound of that......HOPE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked your post. That same thing happened to me...isn't that wall, created mainly by lifestyle and such, such a hard thing to overcome? I think the great thing, though, is once you do...I think your friendship is even better :-).

Anyway, Tamantha (I feel as if I can call you that now, since your blog is named it), I DO miss you!! I miss you like water, like wind, like rain. I'm sure that's a song somewhere. Oh, and I don't think I ever answered your template question. Go to customize, layouts...then you can change your template and even change the stuff in your template (fonts/colors/etc). Have fun decorating :-).